Simple maintenance of COLORBOND® steel by regular washing with clean, fresh water will not only prolong its life but also maintain its attractiveness for longer periods thus protecting your asset. Applications where the paint finish is naturally washed by rainwater do not usually require this maintenance, e.g. roofing. However, some areas such as wall cladding under eaves, the top of garage doors and the underside of eave gutters are often not washed by rainwater, and so require some attention. Ensure these ‘unwashed’ areas are hosed down at least every six months and more frequently in coastal areas where marine salt spray is prevalent, and in areas where high levels of industrial fallout occur. It is also important to ensure that there is no build-up of debris, such as soil and mulch against COLORBOND® steel products.
If cared for in this way, your building components made from COLORBOND® steel should give many years of easy maintenance life.
Tested and refined for over 50 years in some of Australia’s most challenging environments. Inspired by the natural colours and forms of its most unique landscapes. Lived in and relied on by generations of Australians, past and future.