The versatile way to create more space for your home and family
If something’s worth putting in the shed, then the shed needs the strength to protect it. Whether it’s a small garden lock-up, somewhere to keep the bikes and boards, your passion-project workshop or even a large piece of farming or business infrastructure, your shed’s strength and durability are its most important features.
When it comes to your shed, there’s no one-size-fits all. Your shed is a long-term investment and will be a source of pride for years to come. Whether your budget is small, site constraints are an issue or you simply need help choosing profile and colours, talk to your COLORBOND® steel shed supplier about your options and get the right shed designed and built for you.
Check with your shed supplier that the design of your shed meets the requirements of the National Construction Code (NCC) and relevant Australian Standards, and is engineered for your site conditions and usage needs (they should be able to provide evidence of compliance to these requirements). Also, many shed suppliers are involved in ShedSafe, an accreditation scheme managed by the Australian Steel Institute, designed to assist shed buyers in making an informed purchase decision. Click here to go to the ShedSafe website to learn more about it.