When you purchase COLORBOND® steel you are buying products made and backed by BlueScope, one of Australia’s largest manufacturers. BlueScope offers a variety of warranties subject to application and eligibility criteria. You can apply for a warranty using our online Warranty Management System. To make things simpler, our warranty system provides the opportunity for specifiers, builders or installers to receive a pre-approved warranty if eligibility criteria are met. They can then give you the activation code in the pre-approved warranty and you then simply create an account in the system and activate your warranty with your unique activation code. Please ask your specifier, builder or installer if they can manage this for you.
If you are concerned about a COLORBOND® steel product, please contact us. Our team is there to answer any questions you may have and if the issue cannot be resolved over the phone they may send out a Consumer Query Form to be filled out. Filling out, and sending back, the Consumer Query Form gives BlueScope the required information to begin assessing the matter and, if appropriate, one of our Warranty Claims Specialists may be sent out to undertake a site inspection. To contact BlueScope regarding your warranty claim please call BlueScope Steel Direct on 1800 800 789 or email us at steeldirect@bluescopesteel.com.
Tested and refined for over 50 years in some of Australia’s most challenging environments. Inspired by the natural colours and forms of its most unique landscapes. Lived in and relied on by generations of Australians, past and future.